12. Electric Fields
Electric Field Due To Point Charges - Physics Problems
Electric Field Due To Point Charges - Physics Problems
The Organic Chemistry Tutor – This video provides a basic introduction into the concept of electric fields. It explains how to calculate the magnitude and direction of an electric field created by a point charge as well as the net electric field produced by multiple point charges. It discusses the effect that an electric field has on positive and negative charges plus so much more. It contains plenty of examples and practice problems.
The Organic Chemistry Tutor – This video provides a basic introduction into the concept of electric fields. It explains how to calculate the magnitude and direction of an electric field created by a point charge as well as the net electric field produced by multiple point charges. It discusses the effect that an electric field has on positive and negative charges plus so much more. It contains plenty of examples and practice problems.
Coulomb's Law - Net Electric Force & Point Charges
Coulomb's Law - Net Electric Force & Point Charges
The Organic Chemistry Tutor – This physics video tutorial explains the concept behind coulomb's law and how to use it to calculate the electric force between two and three point charges. This video contains plenty of examples and practice problems for students taking high school or college level physics.
The Organic Chemistry Tutor – This physics video tutorial explains the concept behind coulomb's law and how to use it to calculate the electric force between two and three point charges. This video contains plenty of examples and practice problems for students taking high school or college level physics.
Electric Fields: Crash Course Physics #26
Electric Fields: Crash Course Physics #26
CrashCourse – As we learn more about electricity, we have to talk about fields. Electric fields may seem complicated, but they're really fascinating and a crucial part of physics. In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini chats about capacitors, conductors, electric field lines, and how objects with net charge generate electric fields.
CrashCourse – As we learn more about electricity, we have to talk about fields. Electric fields may seem complicated, but they're really fascinating and a crucial part of physics. In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini chats about capacitors, conductors, electric field lines, and how objects with net charge generate electric fields.
Electric Charge: Crash Course Physics #25
Electric Charge: Crash Course Physics #25
CrashCourse – Moving on to our unit on the Physics of Electricity, it's time to talk about charge. What is charge? Is there a positive and negative charge? What do those things mean? In this episode, Shini talks about electrostatic forces, electrical charge, Coulomb's law, and the force between charged particles.
CrashCourse – Moving on to our unit on the Physics of Electricity, it's time to talk about charge. What is charge? Is there a positive and negative charge? What do those things mean? In this episode, Shini talks about electrostatic forces, electrical charge, Coulomb's law, and the force between charged particles.
8.02x - Lect 1 - Electric Charges and Forces - Coulomb's Law - Polarization
8.02x - Lect 1 - Electric Charges and Forces - Coulomb's Law - Polarization
Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics – What holds our world together? Electric Charges (Historical), Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law, Van de Graaff, Great Demos
Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics – What holds our world together? Electric Charges (Historical), Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law, Van de Graaff, Great Demos
8.02x - Lect 2 - Electric Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Induced Dipoles
8.02x - Lect 2 - Electric Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Induced Dipoles
Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics – Electric Field, Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Dipoles, Induced Dipoles, Great Demos
Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics – Electric Field, Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Dipoles, Induced Dipoles, Great Demos